Cancer Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Cancer

by Susan Miller

If you don’t get a promotion, or if you are self-employed, you will bring in a new, prestigious international client that will have the industry talking about you. Alternatively, someone may reach out to you through a club or social group and turn you into a spokesperson for the entire industry. You may find yourself quoted in the press this month—get used to this, shy Cancer, as this is only the beginning.

One way or another it looks like you will take a distant trip this month. If the organization you work for is based in a foreign country, you may travel to the company headquarters to meet with the powers at the top. If so, you may be pleasantly surprised and flattered to hear about the new role management has planned for you. To ease into this new position, you may need a period of adjustment or orientation in the coming weeks, but things should begin rolling quickly next month, in May.

Delays are inevitable this month because Mercury will be retrograde in Aries in your career tenth house from April 1 to April 25. Mars, the ruler of that same prestigious career house, will be orbiting with Saturn, underscoring the same need to slow down.

This is not the time to initiate a new program, product, or project. Instead, do your research. Find out which actions in the company’s history succeeded, which ones did not, and why. This will be superb for information-gathering, and co-workers and managers will want to share their stories with you.

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