Cancer Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Cancer

by Susan Miller

Eclipses arrive in pairs, as a full moon and new moon. The first one of the pair arrived on March 25, and appeared as a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra. It accented a family member and likely concerned a parent, child, or other family member you are close to and care about. You may be moved to help this family member with your time or money or by making an important decision on their behalf.

As a Cancer, the moon is your ruler, so you feel lunar eclipses more than solar eclipses. Last month’s March 25 eclipse could have been an emotional, stressful time for you. The good thing about a full moon eclipse is that it delivers news and may show you misguided thinking or flaws in a situation. Once you make a decision, the episode is over, and tension drains away.

Alternatively, you may have needed an important repair or plumbing job for your house or apartment, or perhaps you finished a massive paint job of your home, renovated certain rooms, moved into a new space, had furniture delivered, or saw a change in who you live with when a roommate moved out or moved in. You may have rented a new apartment or summer cottage or closed on a house you purchased. There are many possibilities, and these are just examples of what may have come up.

Your career will be on fire this month. Rarely have I seen such activity in your career house, so good things appear ready to spring into being.

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