Cancer Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Cancer

by Susan Miller

Mars is traveling with Saturn, so the role that your higher-ups have in mind for you is a weighty one. Additionally, Mars will signal Jupiter, who is traveling in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes—a fabulous and rare aspect that usually brings great progress. Mars will also contact Uranus in the same eleventh house, so you will be very surprised when the offer comes either on or within days of April 8. If management does not give you a promotion, it looks like the industry will be putting you in the position of spokesperson or pundit concerning industry trends.

Venus and Neptune are traveling close together in Pisces, a glamourous vibration, and on April 3 they make an exact alignment. At some point in the first two weeks of April, you may need to have your professional photo taken, perhaps to go along with a press release that will be integral to a news story written about you. Take your photo on April 3 when the moon will not be void-of-course. (Check my app, Moonlight Phases, powered with GPS, and available in Apple App Store or Google Play, a one-time purchase of $7.99.)

Now let’s talk about a hugely important and highly beneficial aspect of the month, the alignment of Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, and Uranus, planet of surprise and all unanticipated events, meeting in your friendship and social group sector on Saturday, April 20, to be felt the day prior, April 19, and possibly as late as Monday, April 22.

This is an exceedingly rare aspect that will only happen once this year, on April 20. Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin in Taurus and not meet again until September 2037, 13 years from now. Rare aspects are always more noticeable—they bring a fresh, new experience. This is happening in your eleventh house of social groups and friendships, so a dear friend may help you, and in so doing, your friend’s gesture may touch your heart. You will be quite surprised.

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