Cancer Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Cancer

by Susan Miller

Your attention switches from your home and family to your career status with the new moon solar eclipse on April 8. During a total eclipse of the Sun, often one top person, most likely a male VIP, will be “eclipsed out” of his high-level role, and this could happen at the company where you work. His departure will be a change that could very possibly create an opportunity for you. (I say the departing VIP is a male because the Sun denotes males in positions of authority.)

Pluto in your financial solar eighth house will signal Venus, currently in Aries and your prestigious tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. This is likely to translate into more money for you, most likely in the form of a commission, bonus, cash advance, or better company benefits (which, if you had to buy them yourself, would be costly).

The bigger change appears to be regarding your job title and influence in the company. In some ways, the previous eclipse in Aries, which occurred last year on April 19, 2023, is tied in theme to this month’s new moon solar eclipse on April 8. Think back to see if you can find a common theme.

You also have a lot of activity in your ninth house of international travel and global trade and relationships, and you may be traveling to a different country for work. If you cannot travel, then you will be on the phone and emailing a great deal with company headquarters or a client based in another country.

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