Aquarius Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Aquarius

by Susan Miller

Whether you were buying, selling, renovating, decorating, or cleaning and maintaining property, in April you will get a chance now to take a break.

You currently have a gaggle of planets in your third house of communication and short, quick travel. The total eclipse of the Sun on April 8 (a powerful new moon) plus the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, will all be in that house and the adventuresome sign of Aries. You can plan a “stay-cation” where you remain home, taking life slow and easy, or you might go to a nearby resort where you can enjoy being in the outdoors in the sunshine, breathing in fresh air, hiking or rock climbing, camping, biking, or swimming. Maybe you can take time to visit a spa.

Clearly, in April you have people to see and places to go. With your third house energized, you may be involved in contractual matters. This month would be an unfavorable time to sign papers as Mercury will be retrograde from April 1 to April 25. After Mercury goes direct on April 25, this planet of communication and agreements (Mercury) will need at least a week to reorient its orb to normal.

Planets stacking up in the third house also puts a spotlight on your sister or brother, so check in. Your sibling may have exciting news to share, or you may suggest you go into a venture together.

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