Aquarius Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Aquarius

by Susan Miller

Neither the Sun nor the new moon eclipse of April 8 are making any important, major aspects to other planets, and that is a bit unusual, but they will still exert an influence in your third house. However, Pluto will reach out to Venus in a very warm and friendly way, suggesting you could fly away further afield if you really wanted to do so—and enjoy it in the process.

You may be working on writing or editing an important document or preparing a speech or lecture to give to a group. If you are a lawyer, you may be working on your opening and closing statements that will make or break your case. Alternatively, you could be working on an A.I. project, the design and implementation of a new app, or the redesign of a large company website that’s in the media business. Whatever you will be involved in seems very new, giving you the role of pathfinder into a new branch of your specialty.

Mars is the leader of this solar new moon eclipse in Aries, and Mars is currently in your second house of earned income, savings, profits on investments, and possessions. Mars will reach out to both Jupiter and Uranus, who are traveling together in your fifth house of creativity, which tells me you may be working on a highly imaginative assignment, and one that will pay well, too. Uranus will bring up the project suddenly.

April 20 is a day to look forward to! It will lift your spirits and make you feel quite optimistic.

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