Aquarius Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Aquarius

by Susan Miller

For the past year, you have hosted Jupiter, the good fortune planet, in your fourth house of home and family, so you may have been rivetted on improving your home surroundings or making changes in your family. You also may have been focused on a new baby (yours or that of a close relative) or other family member, such as on one of your parents who needed your assistance.

Alternatively, much of the money you have been spending may have gone into real estate or improvements to a property, such as refurbishing, renovating, redesigning, or refreshing the décor. Jupiter is set to leave Taurus and this part of your chart (fourth house) next month on May 25 when Jupiter will move into Gemini. Before that happens, the other little planets have planned a magnificent going-away party for Jupiter. This is the reason May will be so spectacular for you. Everyone of every sign will likely enjoy the benefits and gifts of next month, and for you, your home and family will be the focus.

But wait—the universe planned a big celebration day THIS month too, on April 20, and it is also related to Jupiter in his last days of Taurus. The event that is coming is quite historic, when Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, combines forces with Uranus, the planet of surprise. What a joyous aspect this should be!

Jupiter and Uranus have not conjoined since 2011 and will not do so again until September 2037. All the hard work you did to improve your property or to strengthen those bonds you have with your family seems to come to a surprising reward. Watch what happens—these two planets are extremely slow moving, so the influence of this aspect will spread wide, possibly over all of April, but will be especially strong from April 18 to April 22. April 20 is a day to look forward to! It will lift your spirits and make you feel quite optimistic.

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