Taurus Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Taurus

by Susan Miller

If you were born on or within five days of May 12 you will get a double dip of luck.

The full moon in Scorpio on April 23 (not an eclipse) will bring your attention to a close committed partner in love or business. This looks to be more likely about a VIP or expert that you collaborate with at work, for your career houses will be lit up by Pluto and in conversation with the full moon in your marriage/partnership house. This full moon seems to bring to the surface a difference of professional opinion. You may feel pressure to accept your partner’s point of view, and you may feel you have reached an impasse. Come up with an imaginative answer to solve things—it would be preferable if you do. Otherwise, if you don’t, the universe will resolve the matter for you through the events of that full moon, April 23, but it might not be the answer you would have chosen yourself.

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