Taurus Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Taurus

by Susan Miller

The only alternate way I can think of to describe how this full moon of April 23 may work out is that your partner may be unhappy with the time and attention you are spending at the office. Your partner may feel neglected or diminished by your success. (You are only cranking up—your outlook for career success over the coming 20 years is simply fantastic, thanks to Pluto.) In this case, listen to your partner, and if he or she means a lot to you, reassure your partner that you care. See if you can have a standing date night once a week where all your attention is devoted to your partner. If this all seems too hard to handle and you are not sure you can keep any promises about changing your focus even a little to compromise, you will have the option to leave.

On the plus side, Mars in Pisces will still be sending lovely beams to Jupiter in Taurus, and may be helpful to you. Mars is in your friendship house in giving advice and a new perspective to consider.

Mercury will be retrograde this month, from April 1 to April 25, and misunderstandings and miscommunications may become a big problem. Make sure you are dealing with facts, not inuendo or assumptions. As a Taurus, you like to think things out before you act, and that natural tendency will help you this month. Mars will orbit close to Saturn in the first half of April, sure to slow down the pace even more because Mars is known to say “go,” while Saturn always says “stop”—cautious Saturn will win. If you are quite frustrated with your partner, consider taking things slowly. Don’t be too quick to break up—see how you feel by the end of the month.

If you are single and not in a relationship, or even if you are, you will likely have a lively social life this month. Mars is in Pisces, blazing through your eleventh house of friendships until April 30. You will have plenty of invitations from friends to get you out of the house and into memorable, fun, and interesting social situations.

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