Taurus Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Taurus

by Susan Miller

If your birthday falls on May 12, or within five days of that date, you will get a double dip of pleasure, for the degree of the alignment when they meet will be 22 degrees, lining up with that date. If you have a natal planet or your natal moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you will also benefit.

Let’s talk about the full moon of April 23 in Scorpio, 4 degrees, to light your house of marriage, which would also include a serious, steady romantic relationship. Full moons bring closure, so you may be getting engaged or married or hear news from your partner about a development that would affect you both.

Business partnerships are also included in this full moon period (April 23 plus five days). If you have a business collaborator, like an agent, publicist, business partner, manager, social media manager, accountant, bookkeeper, wedding planner, designer, or other person who works with you in a one-on-one confidential way, then this full moon may bring news or a decision about that person.

At the April 23 full moon, Pluto in Aquarius is orbiting in between the Sun in Taurus and the full moon in Scorpio, adding pressure on you from both sides, and Pluto is in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. The person in question, applying the tension to you, seems to be more likely to be from the business side of your life rather than the personal or romantic side, but this is not definite because I would need to see your unique chart to know for sure. In your solar chart, Pluto is in your career sector. This person at work seems quite demanding, and although you want to please this person, you need to find a way to deal with the pressure.

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