Scorpio Horoscope for May 2024

Your May 2024 Horoscope for Scorpio

by Susan Miller

The overall, driving reason for your interest in forming a partnership, whether for love and marriage or to promote your career, is to create stability as evidenced by the position of Saturn. Saturn’s mode of operation is to create an urge to prepare you for the long road ahead and to create a firm foundation that you can build upon in the future. Saturn rarely interacts with Jupiter, but he is sending Jupiter friendly vibrations now. Saturn is in your house of love and children, and Jupiter is in your house of marriage and promises.

Money will be your main focus at the full moon on May 23, and you will be sending out payments for bills. Even so, you could also receive a generous influx of cash. Chances are good that you will still have enough money left over to cover any obligations. Why? Your ruler Pluto, the powerhouse planet of rejuvenation and regeneration (also considered a major financial planet), will be helpful to you.

Pluto has newly settled in Aquarius, your home sector, the place Pluto will spend the next 20 years, until 2044. Pluto’s position also indicates that your family adores you and could truly be a bright spot for you. If you were to run into a cash crunch, possibly because you are buying something expensive, such as a car or condo, ask a parent or older relative to see if they would manage to give you a loan—it looks like you will acquire the money you need.

When Jupiter moves into Gemini for a year’s stay beginning on May 25, it could be raining money, and you may want to put out buckets to catch all the dollars from heaven. You will be luckier than a leprechaun and entering into a satisfying year filled with options and opportunity. Big actions, like going to college, starting a business, buying a house, or having a baby need funding, and from the second half of 2024 up to the first half of 2025, you will be a money magnet, potentially receiving all the cash you need to make a dream come true.

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