Scorpio Horoscope for May 2024

Your May 2024 Horoscope for Scorpio

by Susan Miller


As a Scorpio, you are intensely private, and your usual approach is to do as much as possible on your own rather than relying on other people. However, even you have to recognize the truth of this as revealed in the poem by John Donne (1572 to 1631) “No Man Is an Island” (1624), which eloquently says, in effect, we are all interconnected.

This month, just after the new moon on May 7, you will see the benefits of joining forces with another person due to a plethora of planets in your marriage sector that will be in friendly conversation with your fifth house of true love and children. It may be that you will do this because you are in love—you could get engaged or wed—so if you have been dating long enough to know one another well and feel ready, there will be no reason to wait.

Alternatively, you might join forces with a business associate, sponsor, writing partner, agent, publicist, marketing expert, lawyer, or accountant (as some examples) for a new venture. Your fifth house, that’s so important at the new moon on May 7, rules not only love and children but also your imagination and creativity. You may be working on an artistic project and need one or more partners to work with you to ensure your success.

Jupiter, the good fortune planet, is in your partnership sector and will be in ideal sync with this new moon—a fantastic sign that you can form a joyful association now. Or this new moon may be expressed in a personal way. Uranus is the planet of spontaneity, so you may be surprised when your sweetheart proposes to you. Venus will conjunct this new moon too, which is a symbol of happiness and ease with the person you’ve chosen.

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