Libra Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Libra

by Susan Miller

This month a new moon solar eclipse on April 8 will focus on a partnership that is either in place now or that will soon form. This is a very positive eclipse that will come laden with golden opportunity. If you are married, your other half will come to you with exciting news that would affect you both. If you are dating, you may get a proposal.

Looking closer, this eclipse on April 8 in Aries seems to focus more on your work life than on your personal life. If you are a writer, for example, you may take a writing partner to create your idea for a screenplay. Alternatively, you may hire an agent to represent you to the major motion picture studios. You might hire a new lawyer whose specialty you need, as another example. If you are self-employed, you may have a chance to set up a joint collaboration between your company and another company that would be mutually beneficial.

Mercury will be retrograde in your seventh house of marriage and partnership almost all month, from April 1 to April 25, and the house of partnership and marriage is basically a contractual house, where both parties make solemn promises to each other. For now, move slowly. Do not rush to sign a contract.

It’s a good time to talk and to explore ways the April 8 eclipse can help you, but it is not quite yet the time to etch anything in stone.

As Mercury will be in retrograde from April 1 to April 25, this would be a time to wait to do research, to test assumptions, and set up your blueprints. Wait until May to launch, for May will be an outstandingly rewarding month financially. Be patient, dear Libra.

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