Libra Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Libra

by Susan Miller

Mars and Saturn are orbiting in your work-a-day sixth house, which affects everyday projects, the tools you use to do your work (including possible use of software, A.I., computers, gadgets, machinery, and more). The sixth house also includes the human resources you need to get the job done (the team). This house is not attached to your career, reputation, and advancement, but of course, if you do a great job, each success will likely lead to professional reward.

Here is the interesting twist to the story. From Pisces, Mars will reach out to Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, and Uranus, the planet of all unexpected developments, both in Taurus and your financial eighth house of other people’s money. This will happen on April 19-20, and you may feel this two days prior, April 17, or as late as Monday, April 22.

It looks like as a result of Jupiter’s meeting with Uranus, a large sum of money is on the way to you. This money is tied to your work, but not to your regular weekly salary or a raise. It could come as a commission, royalty, or a special one-time fee for an assignment, especially if you are self-employed. It could be a bonus. The delicious part about this event is that you won’t expect this money.

In case you assume that this conjunction of good-fortune Jupiter and surprise-a-minute Uranus is a commonplace aspect, it’s not—Jupiter has not met with Uranus since 2011! This year, these benefic planets will meet only once, and the next time this conjunction will occur (in a different sign and place in your chart) will be in September 2037.

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