Libra Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Libra

by Susan Miller

The conception, birth, and care for children also forms part of the fifth house. You may be thinking that this might be the time to start your family, and a pregnancy now might sound like good idea after this eclipse arrives April 8. Or if you already have your children, you may want to do something special for them, or for one, such as take your child on a trip or give him or her special classes.

If you are not currently in love and have no interest in getting married or in having children, you may experience the eclipse in a different way. This magical fifth house, where Pluto is based, also rules your creativity and artistic expression. Pluto, a powerhouse financial planet will be in sweet angle to other planets as they continue to rotate through the zodiac’s constellations. As this process occurs over time, Pluto can make you quite famous for your creativity. In fact, in coming years you may find your true vocation and “calling” now that Pluto is in your solar fifth house for the first time in your life. (Pluto takes 248 years to circle the Sun and visit all 12 signs, so you’ve never had Pluto in your solar fifth house.)

You may have never realized that you have artistic or creative talent, and if you discover the joy your latent talent gives you and begin to express it, you may become determined to find ways to develop it. This can happen in tandem with your current career or involve you switching careers and subsequently devoting yourself fully to your craft. I am not saying this is going to happen for you, but it could.

If you feel the pull toward creativity now or in the future, you should follow that inclination. Pluto is set to stay in your fifth house of artistic expression until January 2044, 20 years from now. The idea of having a “second act” might sound intriguing.

You hear stories of exciting talent being discovered later in life in the news. Sharon Stone, the actress, decided to take up painting and revealed breathtaking talent in her work. Her paintings are now displayed in museums and sold in galleries worldwide. Former President Bush surprised everyone when he began to paint after he left the Oval Office. His family says his work gives him great joy and was reported in the news as remarkably good and unique. When Major League Baseball star Randy Johnson (who was inducted into the Hall of Fame) retired, still in excellent shape, he became a celebrated international travel photographer. Randy Johnson’s work of people, places, and animals, particularly in Africa and other locations, made news and brought exhibits. This goes to prove—we can do more than one thing in life.

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