Aries Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Aries

by Susan Miller


As the month opens, Mercury will be retrograde in Aries from April 1 to 25, so the pace of life will slow down. At the same time, active Mars, which is your ruling planet, will orbit close to cautious Saturn, and will slow things down even more. Mars and Saturn will make an exact conjunction on April 10, but you will soon see that the entire month will require careful moves, making sure you have all the facts before moving forward. It appears things are happening behind the scenes that you have yet to hear about, so making a decision now would not be wise. Make it a point to avoid making assumptions too, and delay all actions until you get to one of your best months of the year—May.

Don’t rail against this lackadaisical tempo of April, as delays will benefit you, especially financially. You have been busy ever since the year started, so when your schedule inevitably opens up due to postponements, take it with a shrug and a smile. Be glad for the occasional, unexpected release of extra time you will get so you can follow your own agenda. At points this month you will be able to attend to other matters that you had put aside earlier.

Despite Mercury retrograde, this could still turn out to be a big month, one filled with good news, some of it even spectacular.

On April 8, a new moon total eclipse of the Sun will arrive in Aries. It will be friendly, and it will likely open an intriguing new opportunity for you. You may have to give up one situation or relationship to receive another, but doing so will likely bring an improvement. Along with the Sun and new moon in Aries, Venus is also in Aries, so you may refresh elements of your appearance and enjoy the compliments that come your way. The closer your birthday falls to the eclipse April 8 (within five days before or after), the more likely you will see changes.

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