Aries Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Aries

by Susan Miller

This eclipse will make this a new moon on steroids, which I feel will open up all sorts of positive possibilities for you. You may be getting a project or job that is in a new area in which few people have any knowledge or expertise. There will be plenty to learn, which could be exciting for you. The new work may involve a new branch of technology or scientific research. Alternatively, this eclipse could mark the time you are getting ready to open your own business, or if you are self-employed, to place a new product on the market.

Let’s look at more detail. The planets are traveling closely together in the first part of 2024, and this month is no exception—you have Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon all in Aries, filling your first house of determination, vitality, personality, and personal desire. I love that every planet in your solar chart is on the eastern side of your chart, suggesting that you have full control of what happens next—in other words, you are steering the ship. You won’t need an agent or middleman to help you bring opportunities, as you will be able to generate them on your own—this is remarkably favorable.

Neptune is still in Pisces at the time of the eclipse, but only two tiny degrees away from being in Aries. Neptune will officially enter your sign next year, however, many astrologers—myself included—feel once a planet is within three degrees of the next sign, it is already influencing that new sign, in this case Aries.

Neptune will be giving us a little preview of what is to come once it is in Aries by stepping back and forth from Pisces to Aries and back again. Neptune will settle permanently in Aries on January 26, 2026. This influence is new—Neptune has not been in Aries since 1861 to 1875. Even now Neptune is close enough to Aries (two degrees) to get a sense of him in this new sign.

Readers born early in Aries (March 20 to March 22) need to be sure they have all the facts before entering into a new agreement or venture because Neptune can create an illusion that looks very real but is more likely only to be wishful thinking. On the other hand, Neptune can make a person exceptionally creative, especially in the arts.

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