Aries Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Aries

by Susan Miller

For now, thanks to the alignment of Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, and Uranus, the planet of surprise, it appears that a sum of money is on the way to you, and it’s apt to make you very happy. Best of all, the news will be completely unexpected.

You might get a raise or an offer for a high-level job that pays you much more than you are being paid now. If you are in college or graduate school, you may get news that you are being offered a scholarship or a generous financial-aid package. If you are a researcher, you may hear you are being approved for the grant you applied for earlier. You may be given a very generous amount of cash as a birthday gift from family that, together with your savings, will allow you to start a business, have a baby, or put a down payment on a house, as some examples.

It may, alternatively, work out that you will get an astounding bargain on an expensive item you want to buy—getting a price so attractive it is tantamount to buying wholesale. (Be careful, though as Mercury is retrograde, which can cause lack of judgment almost all month, from April 1 to April 25.)Traditionally, Mercury retrograde is never a good time to shop for pricey items and an especially a bad time to buy electronics or a car (which has a lot of electronic chips). You might make a big sale, such from real estate, or when you empty your closet of no-longer-needed clothing and sell them on an elegant Internet pre-owned commerce site.

There are other ways this could work out over April 19-20. Uranus, the planet of surprise, involved in this aspect, rules your eleventh house of friendships, and Jupiter rules your solar ninth house of travel, so it is possible this will set off a distant trip that you had not expected.

Now, here’s more good news: Mars will enter Aries for the first time in two years on April 30, giving you much more control over all events in your life—even more than you felt as you started the month with so many planets in Aries. Mars is for you just like the fuel that allows you to drive your car or cook your home-made soup on the stove. Most importantly, Mars is your ruling planet, and finally, he will be in the ideal position to help you.

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