Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Sagittarius

by Susan Miller

With four heavenly bodies filling your fifth house, you or your partner could suddenly find out one of you is expecting. Be careful if you are not ready, but if you are, get ready to welcome a darling baby to your household.

For now, no matter what your marital status, plan to have fun. Take off the cloak of daily cares, and let that heavy burden drop to the ground. Having fun will be the magical glue that can bond the two of you together even closer than before.

If you are artistic, the eclipse may bring you a major project that would be quite exciting and could come to you out of the blue, in other words quite suddenly.

You also seem to want to move house eventually, but with Saturn conjunct Mars in April, you are in a holding pattern and not able to press forward. Besides, you may be unsure of exactly what type of living quarters you want and where you’d ideally like to live. Again, slow down, as there is no rush to decide these things.

In the meantime, your work is going exceedingly well. Business is brisk, and all in all, things might be going better than you expected. Also, as a result of the new moon solar eclipse on April 8, you will be given a chance to work on a highly creative project. Make sure you ask many questions about what the client needs, or you may have to backtrack later—keep the lines of communication open.

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