Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Sagittarius

by Susan Miller

Now let’s get back to the eclipse. The fifth house rules your children, and being a new moon, you may start to plan a future course for your child. If your child is small, you may find a preschool for him, or if much older, you may be visiting colleges with your daughter. If you have been concerned about the well-being of one of your children who needs a serious solution to an ongoing problem, such as a birth defect or other medical or psychological problem, the eclipse will likely help you find options and, in time, the answer.

The fifth house also rules pregnancy, so with four heavenly bodies in the fifth house, you might discover you or your partner is pregnant. You may be very surprised. If you want a baby, this may be good news, but if you are not ready for a child, or do not want any children, you need to be careful.

The fifth house, which rules love and children, also rules your imagination and creativity, so this same new moon eclipse on April 8 can open up a new path for artistic expression. You may get an exciting new project that you will love and can’t wait to start.

Let’s look at the aspects of this solar eclipse of April 8. The new moon and the Sun have no aspects to other planets (which is unusual). However, Pluto, positioned in your third house of communication and short travel, will send a direct beam to Venus in your love sector. This aspect can create very warm and passionate love. Venus rules your eleventh house of joy, hopes, wishes, and friendship. You may be invited to a beautiful and luxurious event.

The Sagittarians who will be most affected by the eclipse will be those with a birthday that falls on December 11, plus or minus five days. If you have Sagittarius rising at 19 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, you also will be affected, and I feel you will be helped by this eclipse.

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