Pisces Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Pisces

by Susan Miller

Saturn is moving very swiftly and is now at 14 to 16 degrees Pisces, highlighting readers with birthdays that range from March 5 to March 7. Responsibilities are piling up, so if you were born during these dates, you will need to take breaks and pace yourself. Pisces born in February and up to March 4 have completed the hardest part of their bootcamp with Saturn.

Fortunately, you have Mars in your sign until April 30, a privilege you get every two years. Mars is making you more confident, assertive, and courageous, and you are likely to get the attention of the VIPs you need to see. Mars is traveling with Saturn this month, so your actions will be well considered and deliberate.

Both planets, Mars and Saturn, are reaching out to Jupiter and Uranus in a beautiful way, and Jupiter and Uranus are both in your third house of communication. It appears you have grown in sophistication when it comes to writing, speaking, editing, coding, translating, and other communication arts or in doing research. Now the hard work you’ve done to hone your skills, reaching as far back as last May 2023, will bring you reward.

You may get your book published or your screenplay optioned by a movie studio. You may design a new app that you will soon put on the market or delve into A.I., either to develop a new part of it or to see how it can help you in your everyday work. You might land a major client who wants you to design their advertising campaign or a publicity program for them, you may be tasked to work on a client’s social media presence, or you may start a series of podcasts. These are some examples to get you thinking.

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