Pisces Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Pisces

by Susan Miller

Often at eclipse time the universe will ask you to sacrifice something, and in this case it could be one source of income. If you are self-employed, it might mean that one long-time client would leave. If you work for others, the company may be streamlining personnel to cut back.

You may have already seen this to be true because an eclipse can deliver part of its news one month to the day before the eclipse appears, so that would have happened last month on March 8 (plus or minus five days). Sometimes an eclipse will deliver its message one month to the day later (May 8) with the same tolerance of days (plus or minus five days).

If you recently were crushed by losing a long-time client or job for an employer, that is common. The universe is trying to make room in your basket for the exciting new options that are coming. When that happens to me, I call it the sacrificial lamb required by the eclipse. As you see, it’s a time of change, but you will likely wind up with more money than you had before.

You currently have been hosting Saturn in Pisces for the first time in 29 years. Saturn is the teacher planet and can be a stern taskmaster. There is no doubt you are handling all you need to do, but it can be exhausting. You must protect your health, for Saturn can run you down. Ask your doctor if you need vitamins as Saturn is known to drain calcium reserves, often boosted by vitamin D. Your doctor is the boss here—it’s a good idea to check.

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