Leo Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Leo

by Susan Miller

Mars will be of equal importance to grumpy Pluto at this full moon, and here you have a planet in fine shape reaching out to Jupiter and Uranus from your financial eighth house. If you are worried about how much you have been spending lately, Mars’ connection to Jupiter and Uranus at this full moon suggests you will make more money. All of your career success will add up to better compensation, and you will soon bring more cash into your bank account. Mars’ friendly contact with Uranus indicates that you will be pleased and surprised when your request for a raise in salary is confirmed.


An outstanding, friendly new moon solar eclipse is due on April 8 in Aries, and it seems certain to bring exciting changes and progress to your career and income. All year, since last May, you have hosted Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in your tenth house of prestigious professional advancement, and this month—and in May—you’ll see how much your work and expertise is valued in the marketplace. It will be a wonderful time for you, very possibly your favorite part of 2024.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, so the total solar eclipse of April 8 will have a larger effect on you than last month’slunar eclipse on March 25. News will be illuminating and likely celebratory. If your birthday falls on or within five days of August 10, these changes could be positively life-altering—in the best sense.

Many celestial bodies will have migrated to Aries, a fellow fire sign, in the first half of April, so you will be in your element with a plethora of happy news likely to come your way. Mercury in retrograde will be among the planets in Aries, nevertheless, it seems like you will do well all month, despite the changes and postponements that will almost certainly arise. These planets are highlighting international travel and relationships as well as import-export.

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