Leo Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Leo

by Susan Miller

Pluto is a powerhouse planet, and his position in your collaborative seventh house indicates that you may have an agent, publicist, or lawyer speaking for you to negotiate a fee or pitch an idea, and in the first half of the month, this person will be very effective. If you are married or in a serious, established, exclusive relationship, your partner is likely doing well financially, too.

Mars (Aries ruler) will be the most important planet at this new moon eclipse in Aries, and remarkably, Mars will reach out to Jupiter, still based in your tenth house of career. This is a classic aspect involving the planet of action (Mars) and the planet of good fortune, happiness, healing, growth, and financial success (Jupiter), indicating your actions will lead to profits. Mercury is retrograde now, so be careful—Mercury retrograde can make you distracted, forgetful, misinformed, rushed, or not privy to all the information you need. Be sure you are focused and composed and have completed your due diligence if you have to accomplish something. If you need emergency surgery, have it done immediately, but if you can wait, then maybe schedule it for after Mercury goes direct (April 25). May will be an extraordinary month.

But wait! Something extraordinary is happening right now, this month.

On April 20 Jupiter and Uranus will make an exact conjunction. These are very powerful, slow-moving planets that rarely meet (the next time they conjoin will be September 2037), and this month they are coming together in—you guessed it—your career house. In my mind, I see confetti falling over you in celebration at this time.

The day Jupiter and Uranus make their precise “hit” will be April 20, a Saturday, but you can feel it as early as Thursday, April 18, or Friday, April 19, or possibly as late as Monday, April 22. When this career news strikes, you will be very surprised. This is an aspect of joy, happiness, freedom, hope, and optimism meant to motivate you. You will see that your work has been appreciated and your talents recognized as unique and valuable. This is yet another, amazing aspect that points in the very same direction—your career is clearly rocking skyward, and if you think April is great, wait till you see May.

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