Virgo Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Virgo

by Susan Miller

There are lots of indications that you will like this month. There are plenty of twists and turns, and more than one happy surprise, too. You might say, “How is this possible with my ruling planet, Mercury, retrograde all month?” While it is true Mercury will be in a sleep state from April 1 to April 25, this is no ordinary month.

Some very big cosmic events will take place in April, and they are due to be rare and extraordinary alignments. You are poised to hear good news. If you meet an obstacle, it looks like you will be able to find a solution. This is such a big month, you may hardly notice little Mercury’s antics, such as his trademark delays, forgetfulness, and inability to make a decision.

As the month opens, planets are moving into your financial eighth house of other people’s money: Venus, your ruler Mercury, the Sun, and the new moon solar eclipse of April 8, all in the adventuresome and entrepreneurial sign of Aries. This eclipse is a big one, and you have probably already heard news reports about it on TV. A solar eclipse only occurs on a new moon—but one so strong, it feels like it’s on steroids—and new moons open new opportunities, offers, and situations. Eclipses always push us forward into the future.

At the time of the eclipse, Mars (Aries’ ruler) will be the most important planet, leading the outcome of any given situation, so we have to see if he is having any interactions with other planets. Remarkably, Mars is found reaching out to Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, and Jupiter happens to be traveling with Uranus, the planet of surprise, so Mars will be speaking to both.

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