Virgo Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Virgo

by Susan Miller

This suggests you are about to see a large sum of money as a result of the eclipse. I have found that money from the eighth house tends to come in a lump sum. Examples could be a court settlement or divorce agreement that goes in your favor. It could come in the form of a scholarship, generous financial aid, a large fee from a recently finished project, or a cash advance when you sign a book contract. You could also win a contest or find out that a long-lost relative has named you in their will. You may sell something expensive, such as property, or your parents may help you put a down payment on a house. There are many possible sources of your windfall.

Mars is currently in your seventh house of partnership and marriage, so this suggests you will have a middleman involved that will link you to your financial luck. This could be a former romantic partner, your lawyer, or an agent. Or your accountant may find you are due a large tax refund.

At the same time this theme is emerging, there is another, quite different one bubbling up in your ninth house. International travel is very likely because you have Jupiter in this area of your chart, and when Jupiter is in your ninth house, he has the job of expanding your understanding of the world around you. Uranus is also in this house—he’s been there for several years—but the difference is that now these two planets are getting very close and will make a perfect alignment in fellow earth-sign Taurus on April 20 at 22 degrees.

Mars is reaching out to Jupiter, who happens to be traveling with Uranus, so this suggests you are about to see a large sum of money.

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