Gemini Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Gemini

by Susan Miller

If you do not have your horoscope, you can complete one for free on my website where it says, “Free Natal Birth Chart.” If you know your time of birth to the minute, choose the Placidus Tropical algorithm from the pull-down menu. If you don’t know your exact time of birth, you can still find out where your planets were on the day of your birth. Unlike other free charts online, I clearly give you your degrees. In your case, choose Solar Chart and Whole Sign from the pull-down menu.

Mars will take the lead at this eclipse, and Mars entered Pisces on March 22, to remain there until April 30. Mars will brilliantly light your tenth house of career honors, awards, and achievements, so you can make quite a bit of professional progress this month.

Best of all, at the time of this eclipse—and separate from it—Mars will align with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. This is fantastic. When it comes to your career, you can do no wrong. Apparently, VIPs adore your work, and subordinates compete with each other to have a chance to work for you—they know they can learn from you. You also have a reputation for being a kind and caring boss and for being clear and easy to understand when giving directives.

Saturn is traveling closely with Mars this month, and they make an unusual, untraditional alliance. Mars is always in a hurry to get things moving, but Saturn is just the opposite in nature. Saturn, a more cautious planet, will veto Mars’ haste, and say, “Not so fast, Mars.” Proceeding slowly is a good idea in April, not only because Saturn is holding Mars back, but also because Mercury will be retrograde from April 1 to April 25.

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