Capricorn Horoscope for April 2024

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Your Horoscope for Capricorn

by Susan Miller

Because Jupiter and Uranus are in your truelove-new love sector, which also covers conception, birth, and the care and enjoyment of children, this is where you will feel the benefits of this aspect. It will be so lovely it will be like a fragrant bouquet sent to you from a loving universe. By all means, go out that weekend. You will begin to sense this aspect April 8, but more so as you get closer to April 18 to April 22 when the rays will be really strong.

Again, on April 20 your creativity will be fed the equivalent of tropical plant food, so your output is about to become truly amazing, even surprising you! Be sure to spend time on your craft near that time.

If you are in the middle of a divorce (and I am not seeing this, but I can’t see your unique birth chart from where I sit), rest assured that your children will be cared for and not likely feel scared, at fault, or abandoned, as some children feel after a divorce. With Jupiter in your solar fifth house that rules children (along with creativity, love, and romance), you have the best aspects possible to help your children through this period. When it comes to custody, you should be able to work out a win-win agreement for you and your soon-to-be ex.

Now let’s look at the full moon of April 23, which is a little puzzling. On one hand, a full moon in Scorpio at 4 degrees in your glowing eleventh house of joy would bring a lovely social event. It would happen within five days of the date the full moon appears. While you enjoy seeing friends, at this point in April you seem to feel a certain “approach-avoidance” about going. Part of you seems to want to stay home and spend time with your children if they are little, or if they are not small anymore, to spend time with an artistic endeavor. Another part of you wants to see good friends who clearly adore you and want the best for you.

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