Dear Reader,
My new The Year Ahead 2025 Astrological Calendar has been printed and shipped to our fulfillment house outside of Philadelphia. It’s waiting for your order! The colors of Izak Zenou’s artwork are particularly rich and beautiful! I tell Izak, my favorite French artist, “I love the lifestyle and world you bring me into.” I call it “Izak’s world” and I tell him, “I want to live in it!”
My costs are higher this year, but I kept the price of the calendar to you the same as always—$26.99 plus shipping. It is entirely made and printed in the United States. By buying one you are supporting Astrology Zone and helping me to keep the site free and available to everyone worldwide.
When you have your new 2025 astrological calendar you can easily see the shape of 2025, and by reading about the important dates, you’ll be able to make plans, knowing you have chosen the perfect day for your activity. It is chock full of information (16,500 words). I write all the forecasts, so you can trust them. It would make a gorgeous birthday or holiday gift to someone you love. Go to my home page of Astrology Zone to order yours, or click here to read about all the features I added: Just click or tap here.
Meanwhile, I am still in the throes of moving house. I had a small flood (not my fault) in my bedroom on April 16, and since then, my life has been upside down. All the floors have to be redone throughout the apartment, so since I have to move to another apartment for the floors, I figured I might as well make other improvements to my place, too.
Life has been difficult because I simply can’t pack and move. I need to write, not only for my website, but also for several international magazines so that I can pay for my website, and the deadlines keep coming. I am grateful for those columns! (Did you notice? I am so pleased to join US Weekly magazine, print and premium website edition once a month with a full page given over to birthday celebrities of the month!) Aside from writing, laundry has to be one, dinners cooked, checks written, phone calls returned, meetings planned, and life continues.
Mercury retrograde in August was particularly tough—the people whose approval I needed to get the keys to the temporary apartment were on vacation. After finding the apartment, it still took four weeks to finally get the approval. My own apartment is much bigger than the one I am temporarily moving into for a year, so many my possessions will go into my mover’s storage facility, and once there, I cannot access it. This isn’t a storage locker that many people have to store some things that they can easily access. I’m moving nearly all of my furniture and belongings, and once they’re there, they stay there until I’m ready to move them out. No going back and forth like a simple storage locker.
My contractor is very clear—EVERYTHING has to be moved out. The asbestos inspector came yesterday while I was writing your forecasts. He took samples from under the wood floor all over the house, and from the ceiling, too. The results are coming back from the lab, and if they find any asbestos, a trained crew, wearing protective gear and bringing special equipment, will come in to clean it out before the contractors’ workers come in. (I will have already moved out completely, if this should happen.) My high-rise where I live was built in 1975, so they might find something. My contractor does this for any building he works in.
My friend, Bob Marks, a wise astrologer in his 80s told me “When you have Pluto prominently transiting in your chart as I do, you will find a big need to throw things out or give to charity.” Wow, Bob was right. Although this period has not been easy, it has its silver lining, too. I am glad to be forced to go through the process.
On another topic, I want you to know you can use the wonderful “Read to Me” setting in my app “Astrology Zone Horoscopes,” found on the premium version, which costs $4.99 a month, less than the cost of a cup of coffee each week). You can listen to my monthly or long daily forecast by sign (at least 75 words per day per sign) while you are in the car, walking, at the gym, or supermarket—you decide. If you allow notifications, I will spotlight important dates coming up.
Also, with my Moonlight Phases app, if you allow notifications you will always be alerted when the moon is void-of-course on your phone’s front screen. It’s an app I designed with a one-time cost of $7.99 that I feel you will use every day. You will know the precise times the moon will be void (a little like Mercury retrograde—nearly nothing comes to fruition during those periods). The app also shows you the sign that the moon is transiting each day through the year 2050.
Both my apps have GPS built in, so you will always get accurate, timely information no matter where you live, and the app will follow you with GPS as you travel.
“Astrology Zone Horoscopes” and “Moonlight Phases “are both available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
If you’re on your computer, you can see the apps here:
On Apple
On Google
I hope you enjoy your forecast! In this month’s report to you, I have included information on both eclipses that are on the way, September 17 in Pisces and October 2 in Libra.
It’s due to be a busy month, so we all will have to roll up our sleeves and get ready!
Best wishes,