Monthly News from Susan Miller — February 2025

Dear Reader,

February will bring two amazingly positive new moons. One just appeared on January 29 in Aquarius and arrived with a crown of stars—the Sun, new moon, Pluto, and Mercury—all twinkling in Aquarius. The best part is that good-fortune Jupiter in Gemini will send a fantastic “trine” beam to that new moon, showering you with dazzling good fortune in the place of your chart that hosted that new moon, and that influence will last a long time. When you read my forecast, you will find out where that new moon arrived for your sign and have an idea of how best to use that golden liquid energy.

I wrote in depth about that January 29 new moon in your January forecast, and many readers noticed and were excited to get a preview of February. A new moon affects you for five months, and is especially strong in the approximately 10 days that follow a news moon’s appearance. As you will see in your February report, that January 29 new moon will bring you through nearly the first half of February.

Jupiter goes direct on February 4, which is more wonderful news. If you feel Jupiter has not been delivering the good fortune that you expected, it’s because Jupiter has been retrograde since October 9, but things should improve almost immediately now.

The full moon of February 12 is going to be a tricky one. Uranus in Taurus will be at 23 degrees, and that full moon in Leo is arriving at 24 degrees with the Sun in Aquarius at 24 degrees. This will form two 90-degree squares at the same time (called a T-square)—squares are difficult and represent an obstacle or blockage and often require instant attention. All the signs involved are fixed signs and are not known to compromise, so that will pose an additional hurdle to get over.

At this full moon, Uranus will bring up something sudden and out of left field. For this reason, keep your schedule light. Everyone—of every sign—will feel that troublesome full moon in one way or another. A full moon’s job is to bring to your attention something that is not in your favor that you either need to fix, or walk away altogether from the person or situation causing it. Full moons have a cleansing quality about them.

Valentine’s Day, February 14, will feel some of the runoff of that full moon, for it falls close to it. Every sign will react differently—I give you ideas of how to celebrate your day for lovers this year.

There is good news coming too, so look to a little later in the month. Action Mars has been weak and out of commission because he has been sleeping in retrograde since December 6 . Mars will go direct on February 23. Yay! This should speed up productivity noticeably.

You are due for another gorgeous new moon, and that one is due February 27 in Pisces, 10 degrees. This one will affect you for months too, but will be especially strong in the first 10 days of March. This breathtaking new moon will include an even bigger entourage with a stunning number of five heavenly bodies: the new moon, Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune, all in Pisces. This time Mars, newly out of retrograde and now alert in Cancer, will work hard to bring a successful result to what you start at that new moon.

Most of the horoscopes for each of the signs run very long in February, for there was so much for me to say and explain to you.

Looking ahead to March, next month could feel a little like a rollercoaster ride at times (but not all the time). The eclipses are back, and the first one will occur as full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13-14. The second one will appear as a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29. (The March 29 eclipse will be the last eclipse in of the series of Libra-Aries, and that is good news for those signs, as many Aries and Libras have experienced many changes.)

Saturn will be pressing on the Sun at the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on March 13-14, reminding us to live up to promises and responsibilities. The second eclipse in Aries will be relatively cheerful for most.

Venus will go retrograde from March 1 to April 12, so you might want to delay your visit to your dermatologist for Botox or fillers, and put off cosmetic dentistry, too. Venus rules your looks, so you might as well wait to buy new wardrobe items for the coming season. Venus rules your love life too, and some astrologers say it’s a bad time to date someone new—I agree. I think it would be best not to build Venus retrograde into the birth of your budding relationship. You need a strong Venus, not a weak one, to keep the relationship warm and loving. The day you schedule your first in-person date is the “birth” of the relationship.

I think even more concerning is the fact that Mercury will retrograde again from March 14 to April 7. As you see, both Mercury’s and Venus’s retrogrades will overlap a bit. Do your best to get things done in February, avoiding the period that circles the cranky full moon February 12. I like the end of February very much, on and just after the full moon February 27. Be sure to read what I wrote for you.

Be sure to always read the forecast for your Sun sign AND your rising sign, if you know it. Your rising sign is equal in importance to your Sun sign—you need both. Blend the two forecasts together, and you will have 80 percent of what is due in the coming month. If the two signs’ forecasts contradict, such as if your Sun sign has you having poor financial aspects and your rising sign says you have a great financial outlook, here is what to make of that: You won’t suffer as much as the other members of your Sun sign in regard to money matters because your rising sign is coming to your rescue.

To find out your rising sign you need your exact time of birth. Once you have it, go to my website home page, find the box that says “Free Natal Birth Chart” on the home page, and print out my interpretation. Choose “Placidus Tropical” as the algorithm to use. (Don’t use Whole House system—that’s for people who do not know their birthtime.)

Turning to living here for me in New York, if you recall, I had a flood in April and had to move everything out of my apartment. I finally found a temporary apartment and moved in on September 17. My contractor had to wait for five months to get the DOB (Dept. of Buildings of NYC) to give us the green light to begin repairs and construction. (I guess the DOB is very busy.) My temporary apartment is tiny, so most of my things are in storage, but that’s OK. I have what I need.

If you were in my office on a typical day, you would see me writing on my laptop, and my executive assistant, Valerie, saying something like this:

“Susan, I know you are trying to get February done, but your contractor is on hold on line 1—demolition of your apartment will finally begin next week as the DOB just approved your contractor’s application. Verizon called and is coming to disconnect some equipment in your damaged apartment on Wednesday. Your accountant is on line 2 with a question regarding the tax information your bookkeeper just sent him. Your interior designer is on line 3 and asking if you made a decision yet on the surfaces to be used in the kitchen. Your editor from US Weekly called a half-hour ago and wants to discuss celebrities and Pisces’ outlook. Your publicist wants to know when you when you will back in LA—call tonight. Oh, and your daughter Chrissie called to make sure you are OK—she hadn’t heard from you. Who do you want to call back first?”

Yikes that is a tough questions—they all need a return call quickly.

I have a feeling your life is very similar to mine—a bit of a circus. It’s a miracle I can write.

Remember as your read your February forecast, the new moon of February 27 will strongly influence the first half of March. That new moon will give you a comprehensive look ahead.

Also if you have the premium version of my app, “Astrology Zone Horoscopes” for $4.99 a month (less than the cost of a cup of cappuccino), you would have all the information you need at your fingertips. For the daily horoscopes I write generally 80-85 words per sign for each of the 12 signs for all 365 days a year. My app has GPS built in my app so you will always get the accurate daily forecast for your geographical time zone

The premium version of my app (an in-app purchase after you download the free version) also provides you all my essays, key dates, in-depth sign compatibility, and much more. I also provide my popular monthly forecasts that you get free on as a convenience on the app. My app is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play store

Thank you for your nice notes about my severely sprained right wrist—my fingers are much better, the swelling is down, and I can tell the wrist is improving too.

I appreciate your kind letters so much.

