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Your Horoscope for Virgo
by Susan MillerSeptember 7 is due to be a very difficult day when Saturn opposes the mighty Sun. This happens once a year, and it’s never a joyous day. Do not try to fix a close relationship at this time due to the harsh criticism you may receive on this weighty, somewhat depressing day.
On September 6-7 (depending on your time zone) Mercury will be in sharp conflict with Uranus, the planet that brings events you’d never expect. This would not be a favorable time to travel or go shopping, especially for electronic products. Things are not likely to click on this day—not at all.
On September 11 Mercury finally reaches his full power. Mercury was retrograde from August 4 to August 28, but when he “awakened” on August 28, he was groggy. It will take him until September 11 to be fully strong and back to his usual self.
September 14 should be a fantastic day when Venus in Libra will form a heavenly trine with Jupiter in Gemini. This is a Saturday, but you will feel the energy strongly the day before, on Friday, September 13, which could be lucky for you in matters of career and money—big time.
Thursday, September 19, will bring the Sun in gorgeous trine to Uranus. On this day you might travel or hear you earned great marks on a test or paper you handed your professor. A legal verdict or judge’s ruling may favor you, much to your surprise.
One of your best, four-star days will be on September 24 when your ruler Mercury will receive sparkling, electric beams from Uranus. On this day you can do no wrong—your mind will be lit with 100,000 points of light, so you will find generating new concepts to be easy, turning yourself into a virtual idea factory, and you will impress your higher-ups. Negotiations will go well, and so will shopping.