Virgo Horoscope for January 2025

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

You might be wondering what happened. Some readers won’t care, and say they just want their forecasts, and I understand that. For those who are interested, I will explain.

I am in Los Angeles, writing to you from my hotel room. I flew here to be with my daughter Diana Miller for Christmas, for she has a darling little baby boy, now age 2, and I wanted to see little Oliver open the gifts that Santa Claus brought him. (I sent several boxes of toys, all pre-wrapped with ribbons that we prepared in my office in New York, so it was a “UPS Christmas in a box”).

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Your January 2025 Horoscope for Virgo

by Susan Miller

In 2024, with a rare, once-in-12-years visit of benefic Jupiter in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, your career had the potential to rocket to unimaginable heights. Last month during holiday time you may have seen an important development in your career near the full moon in Gemini on December 15 (allow five days more). If you say, no, you’ve been working hard but have not seen that big breakthrough yet, it may be due to Jupiter retrograde, but that will change next month when Jupiter goes direct on February 4.

February 4 to June 9 will be a superb time to make your impressive ascent to the top by winning a position with more responsibility, power, and influence. Jupiter will leave your tenth house on June 9. Before Jupiter leaves, the new moon on May 26 could be pivotal for you, and it might make your career dreams come true.

This month, January, will be made for love. The new moon in Capricorn, 10 degrees, that occurred on December 30 will have a powerful influence on your first 10 days of January. In truth, it will affect you for much longer, as all new moons do—for as long as six months. I say the first 10 days are when a new moon is most potent.

If you are single, circulate quite a bit this month starting from the very beginning. You have built a lot of momentum in your career, so you can safely turn away for a moment. The work you already did will now need time to cook a bit, and the momentum you created will carry you forward. For now, devote your time and attention to having fun and finding love. I am excited about your possibilities, and I will show you why.

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