Taurus Horoscope for December 2024

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Your Horoscope for Taurus

by Susan Miller

As a Taurus, you are considered wise about money management. December will prove this to be true in several ways, for you have a new moon in Sagittarius, 10 degrees, on November 30-December 1 (depending on your time zone) that will appear in your eighth house of other people’s money.

You may be looking over your ledgers to see how your investments and savings performed in 2024, and you seem to want to close your ledgers by month’s end so that you can get an early jump on preparing your taxes. If you owe on student loans or a mortgage, you might be working on a plan to gently accelerate your payments in small but effective ways. It’s also a perfect time to do estate planning and to write or update your will. Getting finances in shape can be comforting when finished.

Jupiter in Gemini will partner with the new moon in Sagittarius December 1 (wide degree), and that portends profit from actions taken in the days that follow this new moon. Jupiter’s hard angle to Saturn suggests a new approach or restructuring may be in order. Early December would be a good time to meet with your accountant, and also to check in with your banker to find out about new banking products and services that you might want to take advantage of.

Both Pluto and Mars will be friendly to the new moon, and this represents considerable planetary help that will allow you to boost your overall financial picture. Pluto is quite an important financial planet and is posited in your tenth house of prestigious career accomplishment, so profits and fees will flow mainly from your career. Your hard work could show signs of paying off in the weeks and months ahead. I’ll tell you more about Mars in a moment.

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