Your September 2024 Horoscope for Scorpio
by Susan MillerIn the Scorpio solar chart, the Sun rules your career, so simultaneously, you could also receive career news near September 6. If a VIP should criticize you, accept this feedback to improve your performance, but don’t let it crush you. In early September you may take the smallest comment or fleeting expression on someone’s face too much to heart. In a day or two you will feel better.
Make sure you continue to eat nutritiously, because some of September’s aspects might be draining. If you are tired or hungry, you will erroneously view small setbacks as mountainous obstacles. You are doing great—you are simply juggling too many responsibilities in September.
You are spending more money than usual lately, but you have no reason to be overly concerned. The great benefic planet Jupiter is now in Gemini, and he is working to see you receive a steady flow of generous income. If you are planning to change jobs, you could be given the salary you ask for, and you might also see that the perks of the job are generous. You may get a year-end bonus, excellent health insurance or, if you’re in sales, a sizable commission. In your personal life, enter contests that can show off one of your skills—it seems you could win the cash prize.
Watch September 14 when two planets associated with money, Venus and Jupiter, will align—the result could be that you will hear happy news about a tidy sum heading your way.
The full moon on September 17 is a lunar eclipse and will return your attention to a romantic relationship that will reach a critical point. On one hand, this eclipse may bring to the surface a problem that has either been quietly simmering or, if recognized earlier, dismissed as unimportant. It can’t be ignored, so you will need to talk and decide what to do.