Scorpio Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Scorpio

by Susan Miller

Saturn teaches us that what we value most comes through dedication and hard work. This makes me wonder if one of your friends will need you to talk over a serious, weighty problem as she will clearly need emotional support. I say your friend is likely to be a female because the moon (in this case the September 2 new moon) is considered feminine in astrology.

At this new moon Mercury will be the most prominent planet and will receive a challenging beam from Uranus, so the news about your friend will come to you suddenly and in a jarring manner. This is a new moon, not a full moon, so any problem will take time to sort out. New moons can bring up complex matters that persist for five months or longer, at least, until the full moon appears in the same sign as the new moon, Virgo. This will happen on March 13, 2025 (and again Saturn will play a dominant role by being conjunct to the Sun and oppose that full moon, too)

This month holds the first of two eclipses, and the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces will be the first to arrive on September 17 at 26 degrees. This eclipse will ask you to make a decision regarding a love relationship (if you are married, this will not have to do with your spouse because marriage is covered by a different house). This fifth house area of your chart also rules your children, pregnancy and birth, as well as your creativity that springs from deep within you. Neptune will be conjunct this full moon, so if a problem comes up, especially with a romantic partner or regarding a child, don’t jump to any conclusions just yet. Facts will be hard to come by, and it would be easy to make assumptions that are not correct.

Full moon eclipses bring brilliant illumination to ongoing, close relationships or situations, and in so doing, they also bring closure. Something ends, and something else begins. If you have been in a dreadfully unhappy romantic relationship, you will find the courage to leave. If this connection means a lot to you, you will need to decide what to do about it—you will have to take a different approach to fix it, perhaps by going to a couples therapist.

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