Scorpio Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

My new The Year Ahead 2025 Astrological Calendar has been printed and shipped to our fulfillment house outside of Philadelphia. It’s waiting for your order! The colors of Izak Zenou’s artwork are particularly rich and beautiful! I tell Izak, my favorite French artist, “I love the lifestyle and world you bring me into.” I call it “Izak’s world” and I tell him, “I want to live in it!”
My costs are higher this year, but I kept the price of the calendar to you the same as always—$26.99 plus shipping. It is entirely made and printed in the United States. By buying one you are supporting Astrology Zone and helping me to keep the site free and available to everyone worldwide.

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Your September 2024 Horoscope for Scorpio

by Susan Miller

In September you will feel more like socializing with friends, and you may even enjoy breathtaking moments of romance. While everyone you knew was either on vacation or having fun and relaxing, you had your mind on your career last month due to the very positive new moon in Leo, which was brilliantly lighting your professional status sector and presenting you with opportunities.

If you went back to see an employer you had met before, say a year ago or more, you may have found a golden opportunity. Mercury was retrograde from August 4 to August 28, which was the reason going back to past relationships would have been fortunate for you. Mercury is direct now and will steadily grow stronger day by day—on September 11 Mercury will be moving at top speed.

Money has also been on your mind ever since Mars entered Gemini and your house of shared resources on July 20. Your expenses rose, so you were also on a mission to bring in more cash. You may have polished off bills and now feel better to have sent them out. If you found a new job, you were negotiating your salary. You might have also met with your financial advisor to ask about how to grow your savings, perhaps with new options that your bank was offering.

Mars, your secondary ruler, will move into Cancer on September 4, a divinely perfect spot for Mars to be for Scorpio, and he will light your ninth house of intellectual curiosity. You will have a chance to travel both far and near and to go back to university for undergraduate or graduate school to study or simply take weekend classes to brush up on developments in your industry. You might want to share information or your expertise through publishing or broadcasting or through digital forms, such as podcasting, an e-book, or game or app development, or by launching a social media or advertising campaign. Legal matters will also be highlighted to your benefit, so you may be signing a contract or hearing about a court verdict that will be decided in your favor.

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