Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Sagittarius

by Susan Miller

There is a possibility that you may have already felt the message of the September 17 eclipse last month during (or quite near) the full moon on August 19. Or you might still feel it on or near the full moon on October 17. Eclipses work with the concept of time differently than normal full moons.

Let’s think about your happiest day of September. Your most romantic day of the month will happen over the weekend of September 14-15 when Venus in Libra will contact your ruler Jupiter, now in Gemini. This will create the potential for a highly romantic, fun weekend. Plan something! While everyone will love this day, you might love it more because Jupiter is your ruling planet and therefore is weighted more heavily in your favor on September 14.

As I promised earlier, life in general will improve after the Sun moves into Libra on September 22. Air-sign Libra will work well with your fire-sign Sagittarius, so you will feel greater energy and optimism.

As you get to month’s end, you will be very close to the second eclipse, a new moon solar eclipse on October 2 in Libra, 10 degrees. That eclipse will light your house of friendships and social groups. Mars in Cancer will be at odds with the new moon solar eclipse, the Sun, and Mercury. Friends and money will not mix well, so don’t loan money to a friend or borrow money from a friend. A disagreement over money is one way that eclipse may work out, but there are others.

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