Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Sagittarius

by Susan Miller

Looking at this month for positive financial aspects, there is one day when news about money is likely to be welcome and positive—September 19. Uranus and the Sun will be sweetly in sync, working together to get you more cash. You will have to be part of this, of course, but I think your excellent performance on a recent project is the reason more money will flow to you.

One of your best days of the month to boost your career and reputation in your industry will be when Mercury and Uranus are in sync on September 24. Any news you hear will be completely unexpected and exciting—apparently you are turning in a superb performance at work.

Avoid doing anything social or important over the weekend of September 7-8 when Saturn will oppose the Sun. This is a traditionally difficult time, and with Saturn in your home sector, taking care of family may feel like an overwhelming task. You will feel better in a day or two, but over this weekend, an authority figure may make a derogatory comment about you that could hurt your feelings. Try to find any gram of truth in the comment, but don’t let the harshness of the words get you down. Just let them roll off your little feathers, dear Sagittarius.

The full moon this month is a lunar eclipse that arrives on September 17 in Pisces, 26 degrees, in your fourth house of home and family. It worries me that this strong full moon eclipse conjuncts Neptune. I know I have been banging the drum on possible water damage to your home for months in my column and pleading with you to have a rider on your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance for floods, but this time it will be urgently necessary. I also know that getting any kind of insurance to protect yourself against flooding is nearly impossible, but you must try to get protection against water damage, mold, tainted water, heavy snow on the roof, and other water-related problems.

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