Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Sagittarius

by Susan Miller

Early in the month, make sure you have a provision for your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance to cover your home for water damage, even if you live in a high-rise apartment building. Most policies do not routinely cover problems with water—ask for it. The extra coverage will be worth the expense with Neptune’s position in your fourth house of home.

By the time you get to month’s end, you may be anticipating your attendance at a social event that will fall within five days of the next solar new moon eclipse in Libra on October 2. However, Mars will be standing in the doorway and blocking your movements, mainly because the cost of attending the event may concern you. The event might be a destination wedding, a charity or political fundraiser, or a girls weekend at a luxury resort, as examples. If you have the goal to save money, you might opt out and remain home, but if you have the goal to inject a little more fun in your life, you may decide to go. Only you can decide. You might want to stay home during this October 2 eclipse for another reason—to care for a family member who needs you. Although you adore travel more than just about anything else in life, the idea of hanging back might appeal to you.

At the same time as the October 2 eclipse, a golden triangle will appear in the night sky, linking Venus, Saturn, and Mars, all in emotional water signs. All three of these planets will be working together in harmony. Saturn in Pisces will be based in your house of home, and Mars in Cancer will be supportive from your financial eighth house, so you may get the money you need to solve a long-standing matter concerning a child or parent, much to your relief and satisfaction. And Venus will be in Scorpio.

Returning now to September, your best day for romance this month will be Saturday, September 14, when Jupiter, your ruler and planet of good fortune and happiness, will contact love planet Venus in Libra. Venus promotes love, charm, and magnetism—it’s a perfect night to step out.

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