Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

My new The Year Ahead 2025 Astrological Calendar has been printed and shipped to our fulfillment house outside of Philadelphia. It’s waiting for your order! The colors of Izak Zenou’s artwork are particularly rich and beautiful! I tell Izak, my favorite French artist, “I love the lifestyle and world you bring me into.” I call it “Izak’s world” and I tell him, “I want to live in it!”
My costs are higher this year, but I kept the price of the calendar to you the same as always—$26.99 plus shipping. It is entirely made and printed in the United States. By buying one you are supporting Astrology Zone and helping me to keep the site free and available to everyone worldwide.

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Your September 2024 Horoscope for Sagittarius

by Susan Miller

This month could be a major turning point for you because your prestigious tenth house of professional advancement will be accented. Also, your residence or other property you might own may draw you to attend to a family member. This is a very busy month, especially as compared to August. Last month you had a new moon in your travel sector, and many Sagittarians took advantage of that fun-filled new moon by going on a trip, possibly to an exciting location overseas.

Last month had a slow, leisurely pace for another reason. Mercury, the planet ruling your career, was retrograde nearly all month, from August 4 to August 28. Mercury is now on a path to get stronger each day after ending his retrograde, and he will be back to his former speed by September 11.

September will have a strong influence from serious, practical Saturn. It’s time to get back to basics and focus on work. September won’t be as carefree as August. It will be productive, and lots of things that have languished or have been pending or awaiting solutions will be settled once and for all. Yet the end of this month will have a lighter, breezier feel that you will like.

Let’s start with the new moon on September 2, which will appear in Virgo, 11 degrees, at the very pinnacle of your chart—your tenth house of prestigious professional honors, awards, and achievement. It looks like events are uniting to lift your reputation and influence in your community, industry, or perhaps the world at large. A partner, such as your headhunter, agent, lawyer, or other collaborator might be on hand to help you progress.

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