Your September 2024 Horoscope for Pisces
by Susan MillerThis month might just help you see yourself and your future in a new light. A new moon arriving on September 2 in Virgo at 11 degrees will appear in your committed relationship sector (seventh house) to help you refresh and possibly rethink a partnership in your life. The partner under consideration will likely be one you are aligned with in love or business.
The new moon will arrive with Saturn, so clearly the decision you are about to make will be a weighty one. Saturn always adds a sense of gravitas to your actions, so it is a move you won’t take lightly. If you are in love, this important new moon could bring on a joyous engagement or wedding. In business, you might decide to hire an expert or collaborator to help you get ahead—it may be a new manager, agent, lawyer, accountant, publicist, or other professional you would meet with in a confidential, one-to-one way. If you are a screen writer, that person might be a writing partner. If you are an agent, you may take on an important new client now or see one leave. Before you make a move, be careful and and sure about your steps.
Mercury will be the lead planet and gives us an indication of the outcome of this new moon, and Mercury will clash with Uranus, planet of unexpected developments. You may uncover problems now, or much later after you are in the relationship. At the same time, Mars, the action planet, based in your home sector, will be very friendly and helpful. The house of home (fourth house) has another function that might apply here. It is also called the house that indicates “the end of all matters,” so the fact that Mars is found here and is congenial to the Sun and new moon is a major advantage. If the partnership is for business or for the hopes of a more prosperous future, again you are in luck, for Mars is the ruler of your second house of earned income.
This will be a month of extremes, so on the flip side, if you are terribly unhappy with a partnership, you may move to end it now. With Saturn so prominent, your feelings and actions may feel bittersweet because there are always things to admire about another person, so it may take courage to cut the cord. In this case, however, the need to leave could outweigh the need to stay.