Pisces Horoscope for January 2025

Your January 2025 Horoscope for Pisces

by Susan Miller

If you are not quite interested in romance at this juncture, you might see this full moon bring a creative project to full flower. This full moon will be in beautiful trine to Neptune, your ruler and guardian planet of all creative efforts in the arts. Your imagination will reach new heights, and you will likely be very proud of your work.

The full moon of January 13 will be fun for every Pisces for it will light your fifth house of true love.

You will feel this full moon quite directly if your birthday falls on March 14, plus or minus five days. The same is true if you have Pisces rising or your natal moon in Pisces at 24 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, and look to see if you have a natal planet at 24 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. If you do, that planet will go out if its way to make you happy

I should mention that Venus will be in Pisces virtually all month (January 2 to February 4) and will add greatly to your magnetism. You have two super romantic days coming up.

January 25 when Venus and her cosmic lover Mars will be in an enchanting communication. This will be a Saturday, making this weekend evening worthy of a date with dinner.

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