Libra Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Libra

by Susan Miller

There’s a good chance you will begin to view your own capabilities and identity in a new and brighter light. Happily, at this October 2 eclipse, a golden triangle will appear. Your ruler Venus in Scorpio in your second house of earned income and salary will be working overtime to help you. First, she will instantly contact her lover Mars in Cancer in your tenth house of prestigious career achievement in a loving way. Venus will ask Mars to stir up career opportunities.

At the same time, both Venus and Mars, from separate corners of the sky, will contact Saturn in Pisces and your work-a-day and projects sector to ask him to help you set up a structure and a strategy to allow you to excel at the assignments and ventures you are working on. All three planets will be in water signs, so become comfortable relying on your intuition, even in the face of some ambiguity. Trust yourself and forge forward, for you have the whole planetary package you need to succeed.

I cannot see everything in your chart, but from what I can see, it looks fantastic, especially for your career and income. Astrology does not deliver predestined events—you need to do your part by looking for and finding opportunities, and by delving into the ones you find to sort out the possibilities. If you look, you will find opportunity waiting for you.

Dear Libra, you have the entire package. Go out there and hit that ball right out of the park—you are about to make that major home run, and while it will benefit the team, it will benefit you the most.

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