Your September 2024 Horoscope for Libra
by Susan MillerThe most difficult weekend of the month will be September 7-8 when Saturn will be opposed to the Sun. Someone who works for you might criticize you, potentially a low-level subordinate who assumes they know more than you do. This person’s words might be hurtful, but the fact that it comes from someone who reports to you will add insult to injury. Also, with Mercury in hard angle to Uranus, do not sign a contract from September 6 to September 9.
A beautiful day, likely one of your favorite days of the month, will arrive Saturday, September 14, when Venus in Libra will be in a heavenly trine aspect of harmony to good-fortune Jupiter in fellow air-sign Gemini. Venus is your ruling planet, whose job it is to take good care of you, and on this day Venus delivers in a big way. Plan to enjoy fun, love, and a touch of luxury.
On September 17 you will experience the first of two eclipses. This one will be a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces, 26 degrees, in your sixth house of work assignments. Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn will both go out of their way to see that you are well positioned to see good money from a work project that is coming to fullness within five days of September 17. Watch for a friend to be instrumental in your good fortune at this time. Your family may be exceptionally helpful to you now as well. A parent may help you financially, or your sister or brother may make an introduction that helps you get ahead.
Venus will be amplifying your charms and making you irresistibly magnetic this month.