Your September 2024 Horoscope for Libra
by Susan MillerAs September dawns, get ready to hit the ground running. On September 4 Mars will begin to tour Cancer at the very pinnacle of your chart for the first time in two years, and he is set to brilliantly blaze through your tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievement. In the coming weeks you will be on a roll and can do no wrong when it comes to your career—and soon you will see evidence that this is true. All the work you’ve done in your career, along with your experience and education, is coming together to create a lovely package tied with a bow. Mars will remain in this part of your chart from September 4 to November 3, making it easy for you to get the full attention of VIPs.
Dear Libra, it is a privilege to have Mars so beautifully placed. Even if you don’t want to change jobs or pitch new clients (both would go well), you can still offer ideas that will likely be approved, simply because it will be evident that you’ve done your homework and your suggestions make solid sense. Mercury was retrograde last month but went direct on August 28. It always takes Mercury a little time to work up to full speed, and that will happen by September 11. Take time to think and plan your strategy, and then tear out of the gate on or after September 11.
The new moon in Virgo on September 2 will introduce a quiet phase for you. Saturn will oppose the Sun and new moon, so you may feel overworked, overtired, and in need of rest. Saturn is in your work-a-day project sector, so whether you are currently in the workforce or not, you seem to have a full agenda as the month begins—pace yourself. It would be easy to run yourself down and become vulnerable to colds or the flu. Yikes! You would be frustrated to have to spend days in bed when you have so much on your plate.
Mercury will take charge at this new moon on September 2, and the fact that Uranus will send a harsh vibration to Mercury only tells me you may want to beg off social engagements to conserve energy so you can direct it toward your career. Make sure you eat nutritiously in the first half of the month. Quietly spend time thinking about how you would like to plan your birthday and the year ahead.