Libra Horoscope for January 2025

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

You might be wondering what happened. Some readers won’t care, and say they just want their forecasts, and I understand that. For those who are interested, I will explain.

I am in Los Angeles, writing to you from my hotel room. I flew here to be with my daughter Diana Miller for Christmas, for she has a darling little baby boy, now age 2, and I wanted to see little Oliver open the gifts that Santa Claus brought him. (I sent several boxes of toys, all pre-wrapped with ribbons that we prepared in my office in New York, so it was a “UPS Christmas in a box”).

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Your January 2025 Horoscope for Libra

by Susan Miller

Your chart is dazzling with opportunities you can take advantage of on several fronts. You will be excited about January because it holds so many possibilities. Astrology is not about destiny—you have an array of choices, and you get to choose which ones you’d like to take advantage of and which ones you will let pass, perhaps because the timing is off or the opportunity is not on your list of priorities. I have a lot to unpack for you, so let’s get started.

January will be strongly influenced by the happy new moon in Capricorn at 10 degrees that appeared at the very end of last month on December 30. You may be thinking of moving but have not yet found the right space. If this describes you, you should casually look at various places, because you could find the ideal home quite unexpectedly. Finding a dream apartment or house can make all the difference in life, and there is no harm in having a look at what’s available and what the costs might be.

I love this new moon for you because you could find various solutions for making your living experience sublime. Simply said, this will be the most beneficial new moon I have seen in many years for you to find a new space to rent or buy, or if you are hoping to sell property, to get a price you will be pleased with.

Alternatively, you can schedule repairs or invite in the painters during this time. If you own your apartment, you may decide to completely renovate your home—in this case, ask friends and family for the name of a skilled, ethical contractor. If you like the structure of your house and see no need to renovate, you can give the look of your home an upgrade with a new handsome piece of furniture or new rug, or by creating an entirely new design for a room’s décor.

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