Leo Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Leo

by Susan Miller

If anyone owes you money, it is likely to come in at this time. You also may be surprised by the money that comes in—it could be a bonus you didn’t expect, as one example. If you are negotiating the division of assets at the end of a marriage or business, you may like the final settlement if it happens within days of September 17.

At this lunar eclipse Neptune in Pisces will take the lead and be very friendly to Pluto in Capricorn and to Uranus in Taurus. It seems almost certain that some sort of money will come to you outside of salary or earned income. If you are given a prize or inheritance, you will have to know how to care for it. Be thoughtful when you decide on the safest way to grow the money.

I say to be thoughtful and careful because Neptune will be conjunct the eclipsed full moon, and Neptune’s fog when mixed with finances adds confusion. Be sure that people who are close to you, managing your money, or advising you on how to best invest it, are honest and transparent, and that they are knowledgeable and capable of giving sound advice.

If you are about to conclude a deal within five days of September 17, make sure you learn and understand all the details and terms of the venture. You may misunderstand or gloss over an important clause or term embedded in the deal that will be binding on fulfillment.

Moving to another topic, apparently your career is going great. Both the new moon September 2 and the full moon lunar eclipse September 17 show Uranus in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement reaching out in friendly way to Pluto in your assignment sector. You seem to be racking up an excellent reputation for putting in a stellar performance. The Sun in Virgo will join Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, creating a golden triangle of harmony from your second house of earned income. One way or another, it appears more money is in the cards for you in the near future.

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