Your September 2024 Horoscope for Leo
by Susan MillerThere is another investment product that lets you access your money in about four days, and it yields a higher interest rate. It used to be if you were anticipating a big expense, you had to keep your money liquid in a pay-next-to-nothing savings account. Of course, everything will change if the Fed cuts interest rates in September. A cut would favor mortgage and credit card finance changes, but interest paid on CD investments and savings account earnings would drop (unless you act before the Fed announcement—in that case you’d get the rate until the end of the term of the CD). Go to your bank for a chat. You don’t have to invest anything if you don’t want to—my point is that it is always wise to have information. I am not sure if these banking products are offered in Europe, Asia, South America, Australia, or other regions you may be based, but find out! Your timing is good. I can’t give you financial adivce so, of course, always check with your financial advisor.
At the time of the Virgo new moon September 2, Uranus will be in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, and will be beautifully oriented to Pluto in your work-a-day assignment sector. It seems that a project you are working on now (or that you are about to take on in September) has the power to lift your reputation quite a bit and may also lead you to unexpected success, possibly through a promotion or new job offer. After September 2, and in the weeks to come, take your daily projects seriously. This new moon in your earned income house will bode well for you to make more money if you are willing to work hard (Saturn is speaking here).
You seem to be racking up an excellent reputation at work, and it appears more money is in the cards for you.