Leo Horoscope for January 2025

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

You might be wondering what happened. Some readers won’t care, and say they just want their forecasts, and I understand that. For those who are interested, I will explain.

I am in Los Angeles, writing to you from my hotel room. I flew here to be with my daughter Diana Miller for Christmas, for she has a darling little baby boy, now age 2, and I wanted to see little Oliver open the gifts that Santa Claus brought him. (I sent several boxes of toys, all pre-wrapped with ribbons that we prepared in my office in New York, so it was a “UPS Christmas in a box”).

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Your January 2025 Horoscope for Leo

by Susan Miller

As you begin January, you may be amazed by how busy you are at home and at work. You have people to see, tasks to complete, and barely enough time to get it all done. Friends will be just dusting the confetti out of their hair when they show up at the office, while you will have already been there for hours. What’s going on? The new moon in Capricorn, 10 degrees, that appeared on December 30 has sped up the pace of your life.

This new moon is favorable for you, however, because Saturn will be so friendly to it. You can make solid, enduring progress by showcasing your skills as you complete the assignments you receive now. The December 30 new moon will influence you strongly during the first 10 days of January, and because this is a new moon, it will also have a longer effect—for as long as six months.

A new moon is at its most powerful the moment it arrives (first 10 days), and then it ever so gradually declines in effect until the full moon of the same sign appears (in this case Capricorn). At that time the new moon bows to the full moon, relinquishing her powers over to the full moon, which in turn will bring to culmination all your efforts over the past weeks and months. That full moon in your work-a-day house will appear on July 10, 2025.

Suffice to say that the work you are now doing on projects at home and at the office has importance, which you will likely see (assuming you continue to focus) by July.

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