Leo Horoscope for February 2025

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

February will bring two amazingly positive new moons. One just appeared on January 29 in Aquarius and arrived with a crown of stars—the Sun, new moon, Pluto, and Mercury—all twinkling in Aquarius. The best part is that good-fortune Jupiter in Gemini will send a fantastic “trine” beam to that new moon, showering you with dazzling good fortune in the place of your chart that hosted that new moon, and that influence will last a long time. When you read my forecast, you will find out where that new moon arrived for your sign and have an idea of how best to use that golden liquid energy.

I wrote in depth about that January 29 new moon in your January forecast, and many readers noticed and were excited to get a preview of February. A new moon affects you for five months, and is especially strong in the approximately 10 days that follow a news moon’s appearance. As you will see in your February report, that January 29 new moon will bring you through nearly the first half of February.

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Your February 2025 Horoscope for Leo

by Susan Miller

Your collaborator in business or your spouse or steady sweetheart will be on your mind—and quite a bright spot in your life. You experienced a stellar new moon a few days ago on January 29 in your opposite sign of Aquarius at 10 degrees, which opened a new door in your relationship. If you are dating seriously or are married, your partner is likely to have wonderful news to share with you. Something may be going on in your sweetheart’s life, or it might be that your beau will help you in a very appreciable way.

That January 29 new moon will influence you for at least five months and will be strongest in the first 10 days of February. I wrote about this in your January report, and I wanted to flag this gorgeous new moon because it is different from other ones you’ve seen. The January 29 new moon is as sweet as sugar, and soon—during the first 10 days of February—you may begin to hear news come to you. Also, it’s a good time for you to take steps forward on your own.

The reason I am so excited about this new moon is that good-fortune Jupiter in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes will be perfectly positioned to send a golden beam to both the Sun and new moon. This could result in a positive, productive development or change in your close business or romantic relationship, such as your marriage, or with an established, steady long-term sweetheart.

If you are in an unhappy relationship that feels “stuck,” you may now find the courage to leave or convince your partner to accompany you to couples therapy. Either way, that would be a positive development. Let’s think good thoughts. I hope you get engaged or married under this new moon or sign an important expert collaborator in business to help you advance.

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